

I am happy to participate in this exam! 

But in ‘the exam…’

My life in two poems 

…and bilingual

…but in one… 

  • But, not that….  
  • Not that… 
  • And 
  • Not that….

…..We will, we will run………

………..We will run into a trouble……………….       ………sometimes……….and………..exactly………



When that………..//

  • Do that…
  • Do that the better of you…….            
  • …………”and you must….” 
  • You must to do that…..
  • Do that…that the better for you                   ….and the better for your loved ones… 
  • …..and the better for your loved one…
  • …better for, for the best… 
  • …your better for….for your best… 
  • Best of you…for..for….your best things! 
  • It  is     the        ‘KEY’   
  • It  is   ‘your’   first  key… 
  • İt is golden color…….
  • :
  • :
  • =     🔑

  •   -OLA! 
  •       -OLALA! 
  • -LALLA…
  •                 -LALALALLLA…
  • It is..
  • It is   the  second  key… 
  • That is the real key for you……….                              …because, now, you have a pad lock…           ………and it’s only for you………
  • … it  is  golden color…too…
  • …..and also the pad lock…………………                                  …….looks like a home for you……..
  • Also, it is a mysterious key!!!
  • !
  • :
  • =                  🔐

Actually and essentially………………..                      …………………for you and for your better… 

Actually & essentially………….                                 “………the keys………….                                         ………always………

……evolving…….                                                 ………….and………….


…..And it’s quite like this!                                      


….Your key will be like that…

…………..as soon as-……………..

  •                                              \
  •                                               |
  •                                               |
  •                   =                   “ 🗝 “
  •                                           /
  •                                         /
  •                                       /

  • İt is a  ‘spanner’,  also…   
  •     :     =       \
  • =                   🔧
  • Also… a     ‘clef…’    also… 
  •                         \
  •       =                  🎼
  • What am I that? 
  • What am I most..?! 
  • You will choose!

——— like 

knowing the place of the afterlife 

——————in philosophy———

+Yes, yes… İt is the clef… 


The answer is the clef… 

…I’m sure… 

But the clef that contains the 

…the 🔑

…and the🔐with it’s pad lock…

…and the🗝…the key is a historical monument…

Other keys! 

Other keys! 

Other keys! 

That hidden and hidden in my lines… 

And the other keys! 

And the other pad locks…

And the other historical monuments… 

Will be hidden between the lines…

Run babe run!

İt will be too long! 

Run away by kicking one's heels

…………..and grease the soles…

……..and get a skedaddle! 

Leg it! 

Or the  “ Rush “ 


Or the harness?! 


Or the harnes…

With only one ‘s’…

Not matter! 


Or the ‘yoke…?!

Not matter! 

Or the “career…?!”

Or the… 


Your fascinating career…”

Your incredible and fascinating and amazing


…..So;   full of full wonderfull…career… 

İt is the your career…  

It is the your plan…  

It is your dream…  


İt is just a dream but only for now…


Not matter also! 

Ve Ey İngilizler! 

Sizin dilinizin adı olan “English” kelimesinin… 

Bizim dilimizle, kulağa gelen sesi şöyle..:


                     ……….    “    İnglış    “ 


Size bir, bir şeyler öğrettim sanki ve sanırım………….                                 ………. ve belki…

Haberiniz ola… 

Ve yola koyula… 


Ya da 


Ya da 


Ya da Elena… 


“ I will be 

a slave 


forty years 

to anyone 


teaches me even one letter. “ 



I taught you something else, 

I taught you a saying of Hz. Ali. 

Ve İlim 

ve Takva

ve İhlas 

ve Samimiyet 

ve Fedakarlık

ve Şefkat 

ve Kahramanlık… 


İLİM  : 

-  (like science but…) 



…but science is like that…

……………we call it…………..“ bilim “

Not      the       “ ilim “ 

Word of    “Bilim”    have a letter  ‘b’  extra… 

But the meanings of    “İlim”… 

İt is more about the ‘Bilim’… 

İt is more about the afterlife… 

More about the hereafter… 

More about the afterdeath…

İt is the future life…

These are about the future life…

And about… 

About…eternity or underworld… 

And about the beyond… 

And about the unseen!





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