Altough it is a certain and irreversable fact that Hamlet by William Shakespeare has an exaggerated and withdrawn personality which is comprehended by all reader, there is also a Theory of Relativity which changes person to person in the book of Hamlet. According to this Concept of Relativity, the meanings and perspectives that people attach to events, places, objects, time, people and even beliefs change. In this article, the characteristics such as ; events, objects, situations in Hamlet as a play will be examined according to the perspectives of individuals, and besides, the relationship of the book with Relativity Theory will be revealed.
   As a beginning, in scene I of act I, Horatio and the soldiers associate the arrival of the ghost with the great disasters that will happen to the country. In scene II, Cladius' coronation and his marriage to Gertrude were welcomed by everyone except Hamlet. Even Leartes came from France just for these ceremonies. While everyone in the castle is happy with the ceremonies, they are nothing but a funeral for Hamlet. In a similar way, the funeral of the King is a wedding day for Claudius and a new beginning, because the kingdom he desires very much, and also the queen will be his. In addition, according to his Uncle, Hamlet poses a strong threat to him and his power.
   On the other hand, Gertrude, who thinks that every living will die one day and that eterniy will be the end of everyone, is also very pleased with his situation. When the Queen asks Hamlet what seems to be the contrary, Hamlet states her approach to situations, stating that there is no visible, only what exists. It was never true for Hamlet to show off and take refuge behind a false mask filled with lies, although it was accepted by others. What Claudius wants is that Hamlet meets his father’s death as a natural occurence. So much so that he thinks that he can meet this death naturally as well as this marriage. Claudius asks him to think logically and use his mind every he speaks but Hamlet is a person who lives so much in his inner world that what makes sense for him is the sound coming from the depths of his hearth.
   Denmark, once a beautiful and well-kept garden resembles a neglected ground covered with weeds, is now a prison and a hell for Hamlet while a paradise or a good place for others. From my perspective, Hamlet actually refers to the corruption and decay in the world with what he says about Denmark. Denmark is only a part of it, and it is no longer worth living for him, like Denmark, and the world covered by dark clouds after his father's treacherous murder -that is, after evil prevailed.
   The love of Ophelia, who is the only person representing goodness and beauty for Hamlet, is seen by Leartes and Polonius as danger and temporary enthusiasm. Both Leartes and Polonius warn Ophelia about these temporary passions and deception. Although the love of Hamlet is completely true, nobody believes it. When he pretends to be mad, he always tells the truth completely, but everyone except his close friend believes he is crazy. While waiting the theater to be staged, Hamlet says to Ophelia that is is only two hours after his father's death, Ophelia confused two months, not two hours, which completely reveals the difference of the variability and Relativity of Concept of Time on people.
   While Ophelia's committing suicide and burial as a Christian after a while bring about a question mark in mind, this is completely related to the Theory of Relativity. In the Christian community, people who commit suicide are not buried as Christians. Accordingly, when considering the suicide of Ophelia, a different sanction should be applied, to Christianity. This is definitely because Ophelia is a member of the upper class and a recognized person. As a result, Ophelia was buried in the Christian cemetery. The exception that when the nobles committed suicide, their burial in the Christian cemetery is perceived as a great injustice by the graveyards and indeed the lower class. It can be added to these examples of relativity theory that Hamlet's perception of it as a strange and bad behavior is very natural for him when the gravee is singing while digging the grave.
   As a result, it is quite possible to see examples of the theory of relativity in Hamlet book on factors such as time, place, human, object, belief and even behavior. The fact that all these elements change from person to person, space and especially time causes us to notice the diversity in perception. The universality that Hamlet has gained, both as a character and as a book, has been continuing for many years within the framework of these various perceptions and also the contrasts of Hamlet's character.
( Concept Of Relatıvıty In Hamlet başlıklı yazı sedateacher tarafından 1.03.2021 tarihinde sitemize eklenmiştir. Sitemizde yayınlanan eserlerin hukuki sorumluluğu , kullanılan materyaller ve yazının içeriği yazarlarına aittir.İzin alınmadan kaynak gösterilse bile sayfamızdaki eserler başka yerde yayınlanamaz. Eserlerin izin alınmadan kopyalanması ve kullanılması 5846 sayılı Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri Yasasına göre suçtur. )
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